One says you need better ads others that your need better targeting but let me tell you one thing before we start. Without the proper website structure, you won’t have sales or leads no matter how good your targeting or ads would be.
But rarely do people talk about how they can improve their website to the level that people would buy no matter what. The best ad or even the best targeting and audience can’t beat a website that is performing at an insane level.
With that been said I will show you 7 tips that will double (maybe even Triple) your Conversion Rate overnight to get more conversions no matter if it is sales or leads.
#1. Implementing Screen Recording Software
You will never know what to change or where to change it if you don’t know what is bad on your website. Implementing a Screen Recording Software (like HotJar or LuckyOrange) will show you the Recording and Heatmap of your website so you would know what exactly the prospects are doing on your site and where they stuck during your funnel.
Recently I have been working on a project that I reduced the CPA from $138 to $16 (I know that this may sound crazy but when you convince the people that they need your product – they will buy it, no matter the price.
#2 Speak their Language with emotions
If your copy on the website evokes strong emotion and is written with the language that the prospect understands you can easily make them pull out the credit card and buy it right now.
Most of the marketers say “Features are not the ones that are selling, Benefits are doing that job.”. I would say neither of them is selling, but emotion is the key element for someone to decide if he would complete that action.
#3 Reviews
Well, people need to see other people using your product/service in order to make an action. Reviews are the most powerful way to show your prospect that you have satisfied customers and to show your product in action (but from an independent source – your customers)
However, the review section show appears at the bottom of the site.
#4. Don’t just put your Price
You have to give your customers an irresistible offer in order to trigger the impulse emotion and seal the deal. Don’t just show them your price or what they may get. Include all of the benefits that come along with it. Do you have Free Shipping? Tell them. Maybe you have Free 1on1 coaching? Tell them.
Use the things that come along with your offer to make the end goal even more powerful and to increase the perception of the buyer so he/she will know that they are getting more than 1 thing with your product/service.
#5. Focus on their pain problems
Tell them how you can solve their problems (or even show them by using images/gifs/videos).
If your product doesn’t solve any problems you can always remind them that by using your product/service they could prevent a problem from happening in the future. This is often used for Cybersecurity and background screening.
#6. Stay away from Countdown Timers
People are getting smarter every day. They see the same sketchy things on every single website. Do you really believe that if they don’t complete the lead/purchase in the next 4 minutes it would be gone forever?
Don’t be one of those companies. Remove every single section that is sketchy or not worth taking a place on your website.
#7 Value, value,value…
Last but not least. Show them that if they complete the desired action they will get big value from it. If you are doing Lead generation you can tell them that if they do it they could find a way to save a fortune. If you sell a product show them that they are really saving or that your product is really worth that price.
EXTRA: If you put your price at the top of the page, customers will justify your business value on that price.
If you put your price last customers will justify your price on that business value.